• +234 (0)7033432232, +234 (0)8033311908, 407-341-7003
  • admin@CaringHandsforAfrica.org

Our Wish Our Hope:
A Real Home for a Family of Many Homeless

In this culture, when a man dies (is late), the wife and children he leaves behind are not taken care of. Any property, money or belongings goes to

The next male relative. He may or may not take of of the siurvivors. The widows and their children become homeless, forced to beg, depending on the kindness and mercy of others.


The widows will be empowered, uplifted! They can become caregivers, nurses, and teachers. This home will create a real family atmosphere. The children can go to school (if fees are available) or be “home” schooled.

There are many empty, abandoned buildings. This is one. We are hoping that we can raise enough money to attract the owner and perhaps encourage them to donate partially or the entire building. Any monies will be used for “inside” necessities, such as beds, pots & pans, chairs, tables…all the things needed to make a house a home. Donate whatever you can to help get these individuals off the street with the hope of a better future.