• +234 (0)7033432232, +234 (0)8033311908, 407-341-7003
  • admin@CaringHandsforAfrica.org

Did You Know


In the 2021 Global Hunger Index, Nigeria has a level of hunger that is serious. People come from local villages miles away. They sit by the roadside looking for help.

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Can you imagine having to choose between food and sanitary napkins? Being so desperate that you trade sanitary napkins by performing sexual favours? That's what many girls here go through.

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Baby Carriers

Is it possible that the traditional way to carry a baby is causing bone deformity? These babies can stay in these positions for eight to ten hours a day while their mothers are working.

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In the 2020 World Malaria Report, Nigeria had the highest number of global malaria cases (27% of global malaria cases) in 2019 and accounted for the highest number of deaths.

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Typhoid Fever

This is an infectious disease that is transmitted through the consumption of food or beverages contaminated by feces and/or urine of an infected person.

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Everyday young boys go to markets working 10-12 hours daily, hauling goods for buyers of products. The loads they carry are often bigger, and in most instances, heavier than them.

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Christmas is coming

Give the homeless, widows, street children, and less privileged a wonderful Christmas. They need food, clothing, toys, etc. Please add them to your Christmas List.

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Akpugo Garri Mill

The cassava processing mill will dedicate its profits to providing shelter, education, and skill acquisition for homeless children, widows, and less privileged families.

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Abused Women Shelter

The shelter aims to rehabilitate women in abusive relationships, help restart their lives, and give them the skills to be able to fend for themselves and their children.

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