• +234 (0)7033432232, +234 (0)8033311908, 407-341-7003
  • admin@CaringHandsforAfrica.org

Nutritional Support

Nutritional Support for Children

Proper nutrition is important for children’s physical growth, cognitive development, academic performance and future productivity.

Globally, one in three children under five years is not achieving their full potential due to nutritional challenges. These challenges are expressed in the forms of stunted growth, lack of focus in studies, unproductivity, undernutrition, etc. Children in African countries including Nigeria continue to suffer the most from these.

Children from disadvantaged backgrounds are forced to consume low-quality foods that cost less. They are thus exposed to higher risks of malnutrition.

To solve these challenges of malnutrition, Caring Hands for Africa engages in the following activities:

  • Treatment of malnutrition cases: We support children to participate in professional nutritional assessments. This includes weight and height measurements as well as the MUAC (mid-upper arm circumference). Children who are assessed as having malnutrition are taken through treatment which includes food supplements and nutritional counselling for the caregivers.

  • Sensitization of parents/caregivers on proper nutrition: We use effective and interactive communication strategies to enlighten parents and caregivers on the importance of breastfeeding, correct food diversity and proper nutrition.

  • School feeding programs where children from poor homes are provided with nutritious snacks or meals during break periods in their schools.