• +234 (0)7033432232, +234 (0)8033311908, 407-341-7003
  • admin@CaringHandsforAfrica.org


Everyday these young boys go to the markets, working 10-12 hours daily, hauling goods for buyers of products. The loads they carry are often bigger, and in most instances, heavier than them.

They may earn around ₦ 2,000 a day. $5.15 USD for 12 hours. ₦500 is subtracted from their profits for the wheelbarrow rental.

The money they earn is given to their family, if they are fortunate to have a family, or it is used for them alone as they are homeless.

There are many older men doing this same kind of labour because they never had the opportunity to go to school.

We at Caring Hands intend to break the cycle. Providing wheelbarrows for these young boys gives more profit allowing more free time to attend school. Every little bit helps ... one life at a time.