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Water Purifiers

Provision of Water Purifiers

According to UNICEF, 70,000 children under five years die annually due to water-borne diseases. 73 per cent of water-borne diseases can be attributed to inadequate water and sanitation facilities. Water is increasingly becoming polluted due to increased industrial activities, oil exploration, open defecation, etc. The waste residues slip through the soil to infect the underground water with germs and bacteria; such as E. coli which causes disease.

Water is further contaminated at the point of collection and transportation to homes where people touch the water with contaminated hands or even use contaminated containers to transport/preserve water.

Water-borne diseases have devastating effects on household members. Sick children are unable to attend school leading to poor academic outcomes. It affects the economic situations of families since resources are spent on medication and useful time is spent caring for the sick instead of other productive tasks.

To solve these challenges, Caring Hands Foundation aims to distribute water purifiers to households in rural communities where good drinking water is scarce. These water purifiers are easy to use. The fact that they purify drinking water at the point of use means that they are effective in the treatment of water contamination that occurs at the water source and during transportation to the households.

These water purifiers have filters that remove the impurities present in water. If these water filters are regularly replaced, such water purifiers can last for more than 10 years.